The collision and movement of different tectonic plates can cause some geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain formation.

Many ask questions about the movement of these tectonic plates.

We will give you a guide about these plates.

You can also find answers to one of the most important questions here.

What causes geologic events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and the creation of mountains?

A. Position of the planets

B. Atmospheric pressure

C. Ocean tides

D. Lithospheric plate movement (the correct answer)

What Causes Geologic Events Such as Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, and the Creation of Mountains
What Causes Geologic Events Such as Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions, and the Creation of Mountains? | Free to use this image with proper credit

How Are Volcanoes and Earthquakes Interrelated?

Volcanos and earthquakes are interrelated because they form due to the movement of tectonic plates.

These are the channels for the release of stored energy on earth.

The movement of tectonic plates can increase the elastic energy in some rocks.

These rocks may release this energy when the resistance cannot hold the rock any longer.

It leads to earthquakes because the forces move in the form of waves.

A sudden burst of energy can also make a channel for the magma to come to the earth’s surface through a volcanic eruption.

This phenomenon indicates the way of formation of volcanoes due to earthquakes.

These events are interrelated due to the exact cause.

Earthquakes are detrimental to human safety and resources.

Earthquakes can disturb underwater sources.

They may also initiate volcanic activity.

Landslides are also dangerous for humans. Earthquakes can also cause landslides.

What are Tectonic Plates, and How Do They Explain Volcanoes and Earthquakes?

The lithosphere is the top layer of the earth’s surface.

It consists of solid rocks.

Most experts accept there are seventeen pieces of the lithosphere.

The pieces can fit together like a puzzle.

Some also believe these were part of a larger land mass known as Pangea.

One landmass was broken into seventeen pieces.

Each piece is known as a tectonic plate.

Tectonic plates fit together in an unstable fashion because some parts overlap.

Some parts of the tectonic plates are colliding together.

A part of the plate can slide above or below the other plate to increase the pressure on another plate.

Tectonic plates can interact with each other in three ways.

These plates may gride with each other in the first type of interaction.

It is known as transform boundaries, as plates do not collide.

Two plates can also create a gap by moving away from each other.

These boundaries can form new areas of the ocean by creating ocean basin areas.

The most important interaction is the crash boundary.

Tectonic plates may crash into each other due to energy from the earth’s core.

Crash interaction is the reason for the formation of volcanos and mountains.

It can also produce earthquakes.

How Dangerous Are Volcanoes and Earthquakes to Humans?

Earthquakes and volcanos can be extremely dangerous for humans when they occur in highly populated areas.

You may not hear about earthquakes of high magnitudes causing damage if the area is less populated.

We can take the example of the earthquake in central California.

It was an earthquake of magnitude 6.5.

It did not cause more damage due to less population in the area.

Only two persons died due to that earthquake.

Bam is an area in Iran. It is densely populated.

More than thirty thousand people died in an earthquake of 6.6.

It also destroyed almost eighty percent of the property.

We can say the same for volcanic eruptions.

There are many volcanic eruptions in the ocean every day.

They do not cause any damage to human lives or properties.

If a volcano erupts in a populated area, we may see thousands of deaths.

We may not be able to use the land for a long time if lava occupies it.

It will also destroy the nutrients to grow plants.

The after-effects of the volcanic eruptions are more devastating than the earthquakes.

Ash from the volcanic eruption can change the climate and make areas inhabitable for animals and humans.

Tsunamis as a Result of Earthquakes or Volcanic Activity

Tsunamis can form as a result of earthquakes or volcanic activity underwater.

The ocean has many active volcanos.

These volcanoes do not cause any damage to humans when they are erupting in a slow state.

If there is a violent volcanic eruption or strong earthquake, they produce waves in the oceans.

Tsunami waves move fast as they can reach a speed of 900 Kilometers per hour.

These waves do not continue at the same speed near the shores.

As the land near the shores has less depth, these waves become high.

They also reduce speed to 50 Kilometers per hour near the shoreline.

Volcanic activity and earthquakes are not the only ways to produce tsunamis.

Landslides can also create them.

Tectonic plates can move and produce large landslides under the ocean to produce tsunamis.

Where Do Most Geological Events Such as Volcanoes and Earthquakes Occur?

Most geological events, such as volcanos and earthquakes, occur near the colliding tectonic plates.

There are different types of collisions in the tectonic plates.

Some plates move parallel to each other and do not make an aggressive collision.

These tectonic plates rarely produce any geological events.

Most of these events occur near the convergent or divergent tectonic plates.

Divergent tectonic plates are moving away from each other.

These plates can make valleys and gaps between the tectonic plates.

It can produce enough space to allow the magma to reach the surface.

Convergent plates can initiate earthquakes.

These tectonic plates can store energy in the form of elastic forces.

A sudden release of energy causes earthquakes.

How Do Earthquakes Occur, and How are Volcanoes and Mountains Formed?

Earthquakes occur when the converging tectonic plates store elastic energy.

Rocks can compress to store this energy.

When the kinetic energy dominates the compressional force, these rocks move with a sudden release of energy.

It produces earthquakes.

The same phenomenon can make volcanos.

Divergent tectonic plates can also form channels for the magma to come into the ground.

Mountains form when the landmass elevates due to converging tectonic plates.

Mountains gain mass slowly as tectonic plates move a few centimeters in one year.

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